Effective Date: April 25, 2024

This Master Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "MSA" or the "Agreement") is effective as of the above written date and is by and between ActivImpact, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company with an office at 6543 S. Las Vegas Blvd, 2nd Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89119 (together with any entity in control of, controlled by, or under common control therewith, “ActivImpact”), and any client of AI that executes a "SOW” and/or “Insertion Order” (each as defined in Section 1 below) referencing this Agreement (the “Client”). AI and Client are each hereinafter referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties” to this MSA.

  1. Documents Comprising Agreement This MSA is a master agreement that governs AI's provision of products, services and/or related "Deliverables" (as defined in Section 2(p) below) to Client (collectively, the "Services"). A statement of work ("SOW") is any document referencing this MSA which is signed by an authorized representative of each Party and sets forth Services, the terms and specifications that apply to the particular Services, and the fees being charged (the “Fees”). An insertion order (“Insertion Order”) is any document referencing this MSA that is designated as an Insertion Order and which is signed by an authorized representative of Client and sets forth Services (e.g., media purchases to be made by Client or that are to be executed by AI on behalf of Client) to be provided by AI to Client. In addition, the Parties may agree to other addendums referencing this MSA; any such addendum referencing this MSA is hereinafter referred to as an “Addendum”. Each SOW, Insertion Order, and Addendum is subject to the terms of this MSA. If there are any terms and conditions in a SOW, Insertion Order, or Addendum which conflict with the terms and conditions in this MSA, then the terms and conditions in that SOW, Insertion Order, or Addendum (as the case may be) will take precedence with respect to the Services provided under such SOW, Insertion Order, or Addendum. This MSA shall apply to and govern any SOW, Insertion Order, and/or Addendum entered into after the Effective Date specified above.
  2. Definitions As used in this MSA, the following terms shall have the following definitions:
    1. "Addendum" is defined in Section 1 above.
    2. "AI" is defined above.  
    3. "AI Data" means and includes all data that AI provides for use to Client, including, without limitation, Enrichment Data, Custom Media Audiences, Trade Areas, Reporting and Analytics, Contributed Data, and all information derived from the use of any of the foregoing.
    4. "AI Tools" means and includes all AI Data, code, software, software programs, processes, methodologies, algorithms, and related know-how and Residual Knowledge developed, created, or used by AI or its agents or third party licensors in connection with the performance of Services hereunder, including, without limitation, any computer programs, software products, analytics or reporting tools, processing platforms or other tools, any documentation relating thereto or generated therefrom, and any modifications, enhancements, new versions, or derivative works of any of the foregoing, and all trade secrets, copyrights, patents, and other intellectual and proprietary rights therein.
    5. "Agreement" and "MSA" are defined above.
    6. "Appended Client Data" refers to data resulting from a process whereby AI combines Client Data with AI Data using AI Tools to provide additional attributes with respect to consumers included within the underlying Client Data
    7. "Applicable Laws" shall mean any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and governmental directives.
    8. "Campaign" means any advertising campaign that AI agrees to undertake on Client's behalf pursuant to a SOW or an Insertion Order, including, without limitation, any Direct Mail Campaign, Email Campaign, and/or Programmatic Display Campaign.
    9. "Claims" is defined in Section 12(a) below.
    10. "Client" is defined above.
    11. "Client Data" shall mean and refer to any and all data provided by Client to AI pursuant to this Agreement and/or any SOW and/or Insertion Order that includes any Personal Information.
    12. "Client Data Source" shall mean a system or file controlled by or in the possession of Client with respect to which AI may extract and/or receive Client Data.
    13. "Client-Provided Creative" shall mean and refer to any marketing collateral such as digital advertisements, advertising copy, photographs, coupons or offers, and/or any other advertising materials produced by or on behalf of Client and provided by Client (or Client's vendors or contractors) for use by AI in connection with a Campaign.
    14. "Confidential Information" shall mean, with respect to the Disclosing Party, information which is commercially sensitive, confidential, and/or proprietary to and/or a trade secret of the Disclosing Party. AI's Confidential Information shall include, without limitation: (i) any AI Tools and/or any other intellectual property of AI and/or of any third party used by AI to provide the Services; (ii) any AI Data provided by AI to Client in connection with the Services; (iii) any Custom Media Audiences; and/or (iv) any Deliverables (excluding any Final Marketing Creative), except to the extent the distribution or other use or disclosure of such Deliverables is otherwise expressly permitted elsewhere in this Agreement and/or in any SOW and/or Insertion Order. For purposes of this MSA, “Confidential Information” shall not include Client Data or Client-Provided Creative (the uses and confidentiality of which are addressed elsewhere in this Agreement). Moreover, “Confidential Information” shall not include information that: (a) is or becomes part of the public domain through a source other than the Receiving Party; (b) was rightfully known to the Receiving Party as of the time of its disclosure; (c) is independently developed by the Receiving Party; (d) is subsequently learned from a third party not under a confidentiality obligation to the Disclosing Party; (e) is authorized for disclosure in writing by the Disclosing Party; or (f) is and only to the extent required to be, disclosed pursuant to a duly authorized subpoena, court order or government authority, whereupon the Receiving Party subject to same will provide prompt written notice to the Disclosing Party, prior to such disclosure if legally permissible, so that the Disclosing Party may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy.
    15. "Contributed Data" means the following types of data with respect to Client that may be aggregated with data regarding other clients or third parties and used by AI for the Contributed Data Purposes: (i) Reporting and Analytics with respect to a Client's Campaigns; (ii) other data regarding the performance of a Client's business; (iii) data regarding the business performance of other businesses in Client's industry or such industry as a whole; (iv) consumer behavior with respect to Client's business, Client's competitors, and/or Client's industry; and/or (v) other Client Data.
    16. "Contributed Data Purposes" means and includes: (i) the provision of any Services; (ii) the development, modification, improvement, or provision of any products or services offered or to be offered by AI to Client and/or third parties; (iii) the provision of measurements, and/or analysis products and services to other AI clients and potential clients; and/or (iv) AI's marketing of its products and services to third parties.
    17. "Costs and Expenses" shall mean and include those reasonable costs expenses incurred by AI during the course of AI's performance of Services, including but not limited to, out-of-pocket production costs, stock imagery, talent, hotel, automobile rental, and other reasonable travel expenses, charges from third-party suppliers (to the extent not otherwise set forth in an SOW), and other types of reasonable incidental expenses and out-of-pocket costs.
    18. "Custom Media Audience" shall mean the creation by ActivImpact, using Client Data, AI Data and/or other AI Tools, of a prospect list in connection with the performance of the Services.
    19. "Deliverables" shall mean and refer to any Marketing Creative and/or other items or materials that AI delivers to Client pursuant to any SOW and/or Insertion Order. In addition, for purposes of this Agreement, Deliverables shall also include any other items or materials that AI provides to Client in connection with the provision of Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Custom Media Audiences and Trade Areas shall not be considered Deliverables as they are dealt with separately in this Agreement.
    20. "Direct Mail Campaign" shall mean any campaign set forth in a SOW or Insertion Order whereby AI is meant to cause to be sent tangible mail by way of the USPS on behalf of a Client to a Custom Media Audience.
    21. "Personal Information" means: (i) data that directly identifies or reasonably can be used to directly identify an individual or device, including, without limitation, an email address, a postal address, a phone number, a credit card number, personal identification numbers, passwords, biometric data, answers to security questions, or a government identifier (such as a driver's license number, Social Security Number, or tax ID number); and (ii) data or information that is defined or otherwise protected as "personal information", "personal data" or the like by Applicable Laws.
    22. "Disclosing Party" shall mean a Party providing Confidential Information to the other Party.
    23. "Email Recipients" shall mean those individuals actually sent Emails as part of an Email Campaign.
    24. "Emails" shall mean any emails sent as part of an Email Campaign
    25. "Email Campaign" shall mean the sending of Final Marketing Creative by email to a Custom Media Audience. Without being all-inclusive, Email Campaigns shall include any Paid Acquisition Email Campaigns provided for in any SOW and/or Insertion Order.
    26. "Enrichment Data" shall mean that portion of the AI Data that AI licenses from third parties for use in connection with the Services.
    27. "Exclusion Mechanisms" means any "deletions", "opt-outs", "unsubscribes" or other denials or revocations of consents from third parties (e.g., consumers) provided for purposes of compliance with Applicable Laws including, without limitation, where applicable to: (i) the receipt or use of a consumer's Personal Information for cross-contextual behavioral or targeted advertising; (ii) the receipt of marketing Emails; or (iii) the sale of Personal Information for any purpose (including, without limitation, marketing), and in each case whether provided manually or in an automated fashion (such as through browser signals concerning the opt-out of sale or targeted advertising).
    28. "Fees" is defined in Section 1 above
    29. "Final Marketing Creative" shall mean and refer to either of the following types of Marketing Creative: (i) Marketing Creative that AI has publicly distributed on behalf of Client as part of a Campaign; and/or (ii) Marketing Creative that AI has confirmed in a separate writing to Client is final and meant for public distribution or use by Client.
    30. "Force Majeure Event" is defined in Section 16 below.
    31. "Infringement Claim" is defined in Section 12(a) below.
    32. "Insertion Order" is defined in Section 1 above.
    33. "Licensed Creative Materials" means third party intellectual property which may be incorporated into any Final Marketing Creative and/or other Deliverables. Licensed Creative Materials may include, but are not limited to, original photography, stock photography, fonts, illustrations, and other copyrightable works.
    34. "Marketing Creative" means marketing collateral such as digital advertisements, advertising copy, photographs, coupons or offers, and/or any other advertising materials produced by or on behalf of AI for use in connection with an advertising campaign to be undertaken by way of a SOW or Insertion Order.
    35. "Materials" are defined in Section 12(a) below.
    36. "Party" and Parties are defined above
    37. "Programmatic Display Campaign" shall mean an advertising campaign whereby AI shall cause Marketing Creative to be displayed on behalf of Client on third party websites, mobile applications, connected television, radio, applications, and other channels as may be identified in a SOW or Insertion Order. A Programmatic Display Campaign may also include, without limitation, the collection of data from people who interacted with the applicable ads or Client websites or mobile apps, and the retargeting of additional Marketing Creative to such people.
    38. "Receiving Party" shall mean a Party receiving Confidential Information from the other Party.
    39. "Reporting and Analytics" shall mean any reports, measurements, and/or analysis that AI agrees to provide to Client pursuant to a SOW or Insertion Order that indicates the performance of a Campaign or industry.
    40. "Residual Knowledge" means any routines, processes, knowledge and/or any other tools that may be developed, provided or used in connection with the Services and any general skills ideas, feedback, concepts, know-how and expertise that AI learns, receives, obtains, uses, develops or creates in rendering Services for Client, insofar as such ideas, concepts and know-how are of generic applicability and are acquired and applied without disclosure of any Confidential Information of Client. For purposes of this Agreement, Residual Knowledge shall also include any new or derivative methodologies, tools, products or services developed and/or implemented by AI in connection with the Services and/or as a result of providing the Services.
    41. "Retargeting" means targeting individuals with advertisements who have previously interacted with a Client's Internet-related properties, including, without limitation, Client's website and emails.
    42. "Services" is defined in Section 1 above.
    43. "SOW" is defined in Section 1 above.
    44. "Tracking Technologies" shall mean and include website cookies, pixels, tags, and other software or code meant to track the on-line interactions of users with a Client, including, without limitation, by way of Client's website, mobile application, and/or emails.
    45. "Tracking Technologies Data" shall mean data collected by Tracking Technologies.
    46. "Trade Area Creation" shall mean the creation by AI using AI Tools of Trade Areas.
    47. "Trade Areas" means optimized geographical areas identified by AI on behalf of a Client for purposes of targeted advertising.
    48. "USPS" shall mean the United States Postal Service.
  3. Payment and Invoicing In consideration for its provision of the Services, Client will pay AI as follows:
    1. Fees and Costs Client shall pay AI the Fees as and when provided in the applicable SOW or Insertion Order without any offset. Any and all Fees are non-refundable. Additionally, Client shall reimburse AI for any Costs and Expenses delineated in an invoice from AI to Client.
    2. Taxes Client shall be responsible for, and agrees to pay, all sales, use, excise, and value-added taxes, or taxes of a similar nature (excluding personal property taxes and taxes based on AI's income which shall be borne by ActivImpact), imposed by the United States, any state or local government, or other taxing authority, on all Services provided to Client by ActivImpact. The Parties agree to reasonably cooperate with each other to minimize any applicable sales, use, or similar tax and, in connection therewith, the Parties shall provide each other with any relevant tax information as reasonably requested (including without limitation, resale or exemption certificates, multi-state exemption certificates, information concerning the use of assets, materials and notices of assessments). Client agrees to be responsible for paying any tax, penalty, and interest resulting from Client not timely paying the appropriate taxes for Services provided by ActivImpact.
    3. Invoicing and Payment AI will invoice Client, and Client shall pay AI, as provided in the applicable SOW or Insertion Order.  Without limiting any other rights or remedies available to AI (including, without limitation, under any applicable SOW and/or Insertion Order), in the event that Client fails to pay AI any amounts due from Client to AI within thirty (30) days after the date of the applicable invoice, then AI may suspend its provision of Services to Client until all such past due amounts are paid by Client to AI.
  4. Service-Specific Terms and Conditions.
    1. Intake of Client Data Client shall provide AI access to any Client Data specified in a SOW within the timeframe and by way of the Client Data Source set forth in the applicable SOW. Where a SOW does not specify a Client Data Source and/or a timeframe for Client's provision of Client Data, the Client Data Source and timeframe shall be as reasonably prescribed by ActivImpact. As of the time of delivery to ActivImpact, Client shall cause any and all Client Data to be as complete, accurate, and current as such data can be, given Client's customary method of compilation or acquisition of such Client Data.
      1. No Data Regarding Health or Minors Unless expressly provided for in a SOW, in no event shall Client provide to AI (and/or provide access to ActivImpact) any information regarding any individual's specific health condition, medical diagnosis, or any health information or inference that would be considered sensitive and/or protected under any Applicable Laws, and/or any other information that would be considered PHI as defined under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or Consumer Health Data under the Washington "My Health My Data" Act. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, any SOW, any Insertion Order, and/or otherwise, in no event shall Client provide to AI any information associated with a persistent identifier that: (A) is from or about individuals Client knows or should know are children (children being individuals less than the greater of 16 years of age or the age prescribed by any Applicable Laws), (B) Client knows or should know is directed to children, or (C) any user or audience segments directed at or identifying children.
      2. Client-Side Data Collection Where any SOW provides for the placement of any Tracking Technologies by way of Client's website and/or mobile applications, including, without limitation, any web pixels, Client agrees to reasonably cooperate with AI to cause such placement. Where the Services include any form of cookie matching, Client acknowledges and agrees that AI may provide certain Client Data (which may include Personal Information) to a vendor of AI for the purpose of matching a Custom Media Audience to a cookie.
    2. Client-Provided Creative AI shall have the right, but not the obligation, to review and approve the form of any Client-Provided Creative that is to be used in connection with any Campaign. Client shall be solely responsible for ensuring, and shall ensure, that: (i) any Client-Provided Creative, as the same is to be used in connection with any Campaign, is compliant with Applicable Laws; (ii) any Client-Provided Creative includes any and all required labeling, privacy notices, and any other legal copy as may be required by Applicable Laws (including, without limitation, in relation to any promotion, sweepstakes, and/or other offer); and (iii) to the extent that any Client-Provided Creative includes any third party intellectual property which may be incorporated into therein (including, without limitation, original photography, stock photography, fonts, illustrations, and other copyrightable works), then prior to providing any such Client-Provided Creative to ActivImpact, Client shall have sought and obtained any and all third-party consents, permissions, licenses, and usage rights to allow AI to make use of the Client-Provided Creative in connection with any Campaign without violating the rights of any third party.
    3. Custom Media Audience Development and Trade Area Creation. Client understands, acknowledges and agrees that Client shall not have access to any Custom Media Audiences and/or Trade Areas unless expressly provided for in a SOW (otherwise, all Custom Media Audiences and Trade Areas shall be used exclusively by AI and/or its contractors in order to execute Campaigns).
    4. Programmatic Display Campaigns/Advertising Choices Icon and Link. With respect to any Final Marketing Collateral (whether created by ActivImpact, Client, and/or a third party) to be distributed or otherwise utilized by AI in connection with a Programmatic Display Campaign, AI requires the use of the “Ad Choices” icon with linking ability to Client agrees to include such icon and linking ability in any Client-Provided Creative provided by Client to AI to be used in a Programmatic Display Campaign, and Client further agrees to ActivImpact’s inclusion of such icon and linking ability in any Final Marketing Creative to be distributed by AI in connection with any Programmatic Display Campaign.
    5. Direct Mail Campaigns AI's performance of a Direct Mail Campaign shall include printing, production, and delivery to a certified USPS facility. ActivImpact’s performance of a Direct Mail Campaign shall be deemed complete upon AI obtaining a statement from the USPS verifying the mailing, a bill of lading, or any other evidence that the order has been completed. AI does not guarantee the USPS delivery schedule. AI shall not be liable for late, lost, or miss-delivered mail resulting from the actions of third parties (including, without limitation, the USPS). Actual shipping dates shall be subject to Client’s creative signoff of the Final Marketing Creative and Custom Media Audience. Client understands, acknowledges, and agrees that actual mail quantity of any Direct Mail Campaign may vary by +/- 5% due to National Change of Address records, production spoilage, and seeded names.
    6. Email Campaigns
      1. Recipients of Emails Where a SOW or Insertion Order provides for AI to undertake an Email Campaign, AI will develop a Custom Media Audience for such Email Campaign by, without being all-inclusive, creating a list of prospects based upon criteria set forth in the applicable SOW or Insertion Order, or criteria otherwise reasonably developed by ActivImpact, and match such list to email address files.
      2. Email Campaign Process ActivImpact’s performance of an Email Campaign will include: (a) setting up Final Marketing Creative or Client-Provided Creative (as the case may be) in an email deployment system; (b) the provision of a test email message for Client’s review and approval (which approval Client shall not unreasonably withhold); (c) the incorporation of any reasonable modifications requested by Client to the test message; (d) confirmation that the final Email including the Final Marketing Creative or Client-Provided Creative (as the case may be) includes an “unsubscribe” mechanism; and (e) the distribution of the Emails as provided in the applicable SOW and/or Insertion Order.
      3. Email Campaign Reporting In addition to any other Reporting and Analytics provided for in a SOW or Insertion Order, the Reporting and Analytics provided by AI to Client with respect to an Email Campaign will include reporting on the quantity of delivered Emails. ActivImpact’s determination of the quantity of delivered Emails as part of an Email Campaign shall be the sole and definitive tool used by the Parties to measure the number of Emails sent.
      4. Suppression List Prior to the commencement of an Email Campaign, and thereafter on no less than a daily basis, Client shall provide to AI a list of email addresses that may not (pursuant to Applicable Laws) be included in an Email Campaign associated with Client, including, without limitation, any email addresses that must be excluded due to an Exclusion Mechanism. Without being all-inclusive, Client shall ensure that AI receives then-current “unsubscribe”, “opt out”, “deletion”, and “do not sell” files relating to any Email Campaign prior to the commencement of any such Email Campaign, and thereafter receives updated files no less frequently than once every twenty-four (24) hours (or any shorter timeframe as may be prescribed by Applicable Laws).
      5. Images AI does not recommend the use of emailed Final Marketing Creative that is comprised solely or primarily of image files. In the event that Client elects to use this type of Final Marketing Creative or Client-Provided Creative, Client understands and agrees that AI shall not be responsible for any blocking or other delivery issues with respect to any such Emails, and AI shall not be required to provide any refund, reperformance, credits, or any other make-good in connected with any such blocking or other delivery issues.
      6. Non-Disclosure of Source Client shall not disclose to any third party that AI (and/or ActivImpact’s vendors and contractors) is the source or performer of any Email Campaign unless Client first obtains ActivImpact’s written consent (which AI may grant or deny in ActivImpact’s absolute sole discretion). This Section 4(f)(vi) shall not prevent Client from: (A) responding to inquiries from individuals who are Email Recipients; or (B) responding to a subpoena or other specific order of a court as required by Applicable Laws. In the latter event, Client will provide written notice to AI prior to such disclosure unless prohibited by Applicable Laws.
      7. Client Email Campaign Responsibilities Client shall be solely responsible for: (A) handling all inquiries and complaints of any type from Email Recipients; (B) ensuring compliance with all Applicable Laws related to Exclusion Mechanisms, including, without limitation, those related to acquiring consents to receive Emails and any “unsubscribe” or other opt-out requests related to Emails.
      8. Internet Service Providers Client agrees to follow any email standards and practices that are promulgated by the leading Internet Service Providers. Client acknowledges that failure to follow such practices could lead to Client being ‘blacklisted’ by such Internet Service Providers and/or other leading companies overseeing such email practices. Client further agrees that should any blacklisting of Client occur, AI may in its absolute sole discretion suspend further Email deployment until such matter is resolved to ActivImpact’s satisfaction. Upon Client’s request, AI will assist Client, at ActivImpact’s then-current hourly rates, in the correction, resolution and prevention of this type of matter. Blacklisting typically occurs due to the particular content or email list practices used by a client. The result of an Internet Service Provider blacklisting Client could impact ActivImpact’s delivery of email for other clients and, therefore, Client agrees to temporary suspension of Email Campaigns while the matter is resolved as provided herein.
      9. Email Tracking Technologies Client acknowledges that the Emails may include one or more Tracking Technologies that may enable AI to collect a user’s interactions with the Email and certain other Tracking Technologies Data.
    7. Retargeting
      1. Email Retargeting Where a SOW or Insertion Order provides for an Email Campaign to include any retargeting effort, Client acknowledges and agrees that the Emails will include a Tracking Technology such that when the Email is opened, a web request is made to AI or ActivImpact’s vendor.
      2. Site Retargeting Where a SOW or Insertion Order provides for site retargeting, Client acknowledges and agrees that Client shall be required to place a Tracking Technology on its website(s) such that when the web page is rendered, a web request is made to AI or ActivImpact’s vendor.
    8. Enrichment Data If and to the extent that Client utilizes any Enrichment Data in connection with any Services, then the terms of Exhibit A shall apply (which Exhibit A is incorporated herein by this reference).
  5. Confidentiality
    1. Confidential Information In connection with this MSA, any SOWs, and/or any Insertion Orders, a Disclosing Party may disclose to the Receiving Party Confidential Information. The Receiving Party shall not disclose or otherwise allow access to Confidential Information by any third party, provided that AI may disclose or otherwise allow access to Client’s Confidential information as reasonably required or appropriate for AI to perform its obligations and/or exercise its rights under this Agreement, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order. The terms and conditions of any SOWs and/or Insertion Orders will be considered Confidential Information of ActivImpact. Expiration or termination of this MSA will not relieve the Receiving Party of its obligations with respect to Confidential Information disclosed pursuant to the terms hereof.
    2. Return or Destruction Upon the request of the Disclosing Party, Receiving Party shall promptly return to the Disclosing Party or destroy all Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party that is in its possession, provided that the Receiving Party may retain archived versions of such Confidential Information as required or contemplated by the Receiving Party’s data and document retention policies, further provided that any such retained versions of Confidential Information shall remain subject to Section 5(a) above.
    3. Safeguards The Receiving Party shall ensure that reasonable safeguards are in place designed to prevent unauthorized access to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information while such Confidential Information is in the possession or control of the Receiving Party. Such reasonable safeguards shall be at least equivalent to the greater of those: (a) required by Applicable Laws; (b) used by the Receiving Party with respect to its own information of a similar nature; or (c) a reasonable standard of care.
  6. Proprietary Rights
    1. Confidential Information As between AI and Client: (i) Client shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to any and all Confidential Information of Client provided by Client to AI in connection with this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order; and (ii) AI shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to any and all Confidential Information of AI provided by AI to Client in connection with this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order. Neither Party shall use the Confidential Information of the other Party except as expressly provided for in this MSA, a SOW, and/or an Insertion Order.
    2. Existing Intellectual Property . As between AI and Client: (i) Client shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to any and all logos, trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, and/or any other intellectual property of Client created prior to the Parties entering into this MSA; and (ii) AI shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to any and all logos, trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents, and/or any other intellectual property of AI created prior to the Parties entering into this MSA.
    3. Client Data Except as otherwise expressly provided in this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order, as between AI and Client, Client shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to the Client Data. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, AI shall have the perpetual and irrevocable right and license (and the right to sublicense to ActivImpact’s contractors and vendors the right and license) to use any and all Client Data: (i) as contemplated by this MSA, any SOW and/or Insertion Order including, without limitation, in connection with the performance of any Services and/or otherwise in connection with the development or use of any Custom Media Audiences; and/or (ii) as part of any Aggregated Data for any Contributed Data Purposes. AI agrees to cause any Contributed Data to be deidentified with respect to Client such that no recipient of Contributed Data will be able to access or identify any individual data points of Client or any other client of ActivImpact.
    4. Appended Client Data As between AI and Client: (i) AI shall own and retain any and all rights, title, and interest in and to any AI Tools and AI Data used to create Appended Client Data; and (ii) Client shall own and retain any and all rights, title, and interest in and to the underlying Client Data used to create Appended Client Data. Notwithstanding item (ii) in the preceding sentence, in no event shall Client use or allow access to any Appended Client Data except as expressly permitted by a SOW or an Insertion Order.
    5. Client Provided-Creative Except as otherwise expressly provided in this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order, as between AI and Client, Client shall own and retain any and all rights, title, and interest in and to any Client-Provided Creative. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, AI shall have the right and irrevocable license (and the right to sublicense to ActivImpact’s contractors and vendors the right and license) to use any and all Client-Provided Creative as contemplated by this MSA, any SOW and/or Insertion Order including, without limitation, in connection with the performance of any Services.
    6. AI Data Except as otherwise expressly provided in this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order, as between AI and Client, AI shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to the AI Data.
    7. Final Marketing Creative Except as otherwise expressly provided in this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order, and subject to Client having paid AI any and all Fees and other amounts owed to ActivImpact, as between AI and Client, Client shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to any and all Final Marketing Creative. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, AI shall have the perpetual, irrevocable right and license to use any Final Marketing Creative in connection with ActivImpact’s marketing activities on its own behalf.
    8. Preliminary Marketing Creative Except as otherwise expressly provided in this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order, as between AI and Client, AI shall own and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to any Marketing Creative that is not Final Marketing Creative. Any Marketing Creative that is not Final Marketing Creative shall be Confidential Information of ActivImpact.
    9. AI Tools Except as expressly provided in any SOW, Insertion Order, and/or in Section 6(j) below, as between AI and Client: (i) AI shall have and retain any and all rights, title and/or interest in and to any AI Tools; and (ii) Client shall not have or obtain any ownership, license, usage and/or any other rights with respect to any AI Tools.
    10. Client License to Use AI Tools and Deliverables AI hereby grants to Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license and right to use the AI Tools and any Deliverables (excluding Final Marketing Creative to the extent it is owned by Client as provided in Section 6(g) above), but only to the extent such use is expressly provided for in a SOW and/or Insertion Order. Client shall not use any such AI Tools and/or Deliverables (excluding Final Marketing Creative that is owned by Client as provided in Section 6(g) above) except as expressly permitted by this MSA and/or any SOW and/or Insertion Order.
    11. Client's License to Use Licensed Creative AI will inform Client of any restrictions on the use of any Licensed Creative Materials incorporated by AI into any Final Marketing Creative. Specifically, for stock photography, Client shall have the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use and display the stock photography, graphics, or images, licensed for or on Client’s behalf that are incorporated by AI in the Final Marketing Creative only for the contemplated use permitted by such license.
    12. Other Limitations Client acknowledges that, except to the extent expressly stated herein, in a SOW, and/or in an Insertion Order, Client obtains no license, usage, or other rights with respect to any intellectual property. Notwithstanding Section 6(k) above, each Party’s use of any materials described in this Section 6 shall be further subject to the ownership and other rights of any applicable third party; provided, however, that each Party shall use reasonable efforts to obtain any licenses or other permissions to allow the other Party to make use of any such materials as expressly provided for in this Agreement and/or any SOW and/or any Insertion Order.
    13. Residual Knowledge As between Client and ActivImpact, AI shall exclusively own and otherwise have the exclusive right to retain and use any Residual Knowledge for any purpose, as determined in ActivImpact’s absolute sole discretion.
  7. Certain Media Purchases To the extent that any SOW and/or Insertion Order provides for AI to purchase media from a third-party on behalf of Client, Client hereby authorizes AI to act as Client’s agent for such purpose (and/or to assign all or part of such limited agency authority to ActivImpact’s third-party suppliers). To the extent that AI enters into any contracts on behalf of Client consistent with this Section 7, Client shall be solely responsible for payment of any amounts required by such contracts; AI shall be responsible for any such payments only to the extent that Client has paid AI such amounts and there are no other outstanding amounts owed by Client to ActivImpact.
  8. Additional Obligations of Client
    1. Industry Specific Requirements and Legal Approval Client agrees to notify AI in writing and in advance of ActivImpact’s performance of any applicable Services, of any industry-specific or Applicable Laws-related requirements or prohibitions applicable to the performance of such Services.
    2. Compliance With Applicable Laws Client shall be solely responsible for: (i) prior to AI undertaking the Services (including, without limitation, the placement of any Tracking Technologies and/or the provision of Client Data to ActivImpact) and/or Client making any use of any Final Marketing Creative and/or any other Deliverables, reviewing the same (and any proposed use thereof) for compliance with Applicable Laws and any privacy policies and practices of Client, and, where requested by ActivImpact, confirming such compliance in writing in a manner reasonably satisfactory to ActivImpact; (ii) prior to AI commencing the performance of Services, confirming with Client’s legal counsel that the performance and Client’s use of the Services (including, without limitation, the placement of any Tracking Technologies) will be compliant with Applicable Laws and any privacy policies and practices of Client, and, where requested by ActivImpact, confirming such compliance in writing in a manner reasonably satisfactory to ActivImpact; (iii) prior to providing AI with any Client Data, any Client-Provided Creative, and/or any other data or materials, obtaining and maintaining any permissions and consents from any applicable third parties (including, without limitation, consumers with respect to their personal information) to allow AI to make use of the same in connection with the provision of the Services as such Services are described in any SOW and/or Insertion Order consistent with Applicable Laws; and (iv) to establish, keep and maintain (and, where required by Applicable Laws or otherwise appropriate, provide to ActivImpact) any Exclusion Mechanisms and a privacy policy. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order, in no event shall AI be required to perform any Services (or any aspect of any Services) that AI deems, in its absolute sole discretion, to be in violation of Applicable Laws or otherwise inappropriate and/or obscene. AI shall have the right, in order to comply with Applicable Laws, to suspend or terminate all or any portion of any Services at any time without liability to Client except for a refund or credit of amounts previously paid for Services that have not yet been fulfilled, provided that AI shall notify Client in writing promptly upon its decision to terminate such Services. Nothing by way of this paragraph shall serve to amend or otherwise affect: (A) Client’s obligations under the rest of this Section 8; and/or (B) Client’s indemnity obligations under this MSA. Client’s receipt and use of the Services shall be at Client’s sole risk.
    3. Client's Privacy Policy and Tracking Technologies. Without limiting Client’s other obligations under this Agreement and Applicable Laws with respect to Client’s privacy policies and practices, Client shall cause its privacy policy to provide notice of: (i) the manner in which Client Data is provided and used in connection with the Services; (ii) the Tracking Technologies then being used by Client (including, without limitation, any Tracking Technologies then being used by AI on Client’s behalf or otherwise in connection with the Services) including, without limitation, that Client uses consumer data to perform matching with certain Tracking Technologies in order to provide targeted online display advertising and/or email or website retargeting; and (iii) a legally-sufficient (according to Applicable Laws) way for Client to utilize Exclusion Mechanisms to opt out of the use or sale of Client’s Client Data in connection with the Services.
    4. Client Delays To the extent that any delay in Client’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order (including, without limitation, any failure by Client to complete a review and/or provide an approval of any portion of the Services within any timeframe specified in this Agreement, a SOW, and/or an Insertion Order) causes AI to incur additional costs (including, without limitation, ActivImpact’s internal labor costs) or otherwise prevents AI from performing any Campaign in the timeframe specified in a SOW or Insertion Order, then Client understands, acknowledges, and agrees that AI may charge Client (and Client shall pay): (i) such additional costs (including, without limitation, ActivImpact’s then-current retail hourly rates with respect to ActivImpact’s internal labor); and (ii) any Fee amounts AI would have otherwise been able to charge and collect from Client if AI were able to perform the applicable Campaign in the timeframe specified in a SOW or Insertion Order but for Client’s delay.
    5. Performer and Union Contract Obligations Client shall inform AI if it is a signatory to any performer’s union (SAG-AFTRA, AFM etc.) agreement that covers the production of advertising materials. If Client is a signatory, Client shall retain sole and full responsibility for adherence to the terms, provisions and payment obligations under such agreements. Client shall be responsible for claims asserted by the union or the union’s pension and health funds for non-payment or underpayment of fees due performers in connection with the production and/or use of any materials produced or used by AI on Client’s behalf regardless of whether such claims arise or are asserted during or after the term of any SOW.
  9. Representations and Warranties; Disclaimers
    1. Mutual Each Party represents and warrants to the other that: (a) subject to Client’s obligations under Section 8(b) above, it shall comply with all Applicable Laws in performing its respective responsibilities and exercising its rights under this MSA, any SOWs, and/or any Insertion Orders, including, without limitation, all applicable privacy laws, anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws; and (b) it is duly authorized by its bylaws or other organizational documents to enter this MSA, any SOWs, and any Insertion Orders.
    2. AI Warranty AI warrants and represents to Client that the Services will be performed by personnel possessing the requisite skills and appropriate experience and in a professional and workmanlike manner.
    3. Client Representations and Warranties With respect to any Client Data, Client represents and warrants to AI that it has the legal right to disclose and use all such information or content for the purposes contemplated by the applicable SOW and/or Insertion Order, and Client further represents and warrants to AI that Client has obtained all applicable third-party consents or authorizations therefore, if any. Client represents and warrants to AI that Client shall not request AI to receive, store, use, or disclose any such information or content in a manner that would violate Client’s privacy policy, any Applicable Laws, or any agreement to which Client is bound. Client represents and warrants to AI that Client shall not use any AI Data in connection with any government-run program, including, but not limited to, Medicare and/or Medicaid.
  10. Privacy Requirements:
    1. Obligations of Parties under Privacy Laws For purposes of any Applicable Laws governing privacy that draws a distinction between data “controllers” and data “processors,” Client is the controller and AI is the processor of the Client Data. For purposes of the California Consumer Privacy Act (and the California Privacy Rights Act), Client is the “business” and AI is the “service provider.” As such, AI will not “sell” or “share” the Client Data (as those terms are defined under such laws) except as a service provider to or agent of Client and at Client’s express instruction AI will reasonably assist Client in its fulfillment of any consumer requests and data protection assessments and any other requirements imposed upon the Parties by Applicable Laws. AI will only utilize Client Data pursuant to Client’s instructions.
    2. Privacy Notices Without limiting Client’s obligations under Section 8 above, Client shall ensure that it describes the manner in which data is being shared and used in a legally sufficient manner in its privacy policy; and shall ensure that any additional website disclosures, Exclusion Mechanism implementations and website footer links (such as those required under California or Colorado privacy laws) have been made, posted and made operational, prior to Client providing or making available any Client Data to AI for purposes contemplated herein.
    3. Not Legal Advice AI may provide recommended website or privacy policy language to Client. Client acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding any such recommendations, it shall not rely on AI for or in lieu of legal advice. Client shall be solely responsible for ensuring that its privacy policy and website disclosures are legally sufficient and accurate. Client is solely responsible for seeking its own legal advice as to Applicable Laws and disclosure requirements
  11. Damage Exclusion; Liability Limit.
  12. Indemnification
    1. Infringement Indemnity Each Party shall indemnify, defend (at its sole cost and expense), and hold harmless the other Party, its affiliates, and its and their employees, principals (shareholders or holders of an ownership interest, as the case may be), officers, directors, and agents from and against any claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees), judgments, assessments, fines, and other liabilities (collectively, “Claims”) arising out of or resulting from any third party claim that any materials provided by such Party (“Materials”) misappropriate or infringe any patent (except as specified in this provision), trademark, copyright, right of publicity, trade secret, or other similar right of any person or entity (an “Infringement Claim”). For clarity, ActivImpact’s Materials include, without limitation, the AI Data, Services, and AI Tools, and Client’s Materials include, without limitation, the Client Data and any documents, data, or other content or materials provided by or on behalf of Client. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party shall have no liability for Materials under this Section 12(a) to the extent an Infringement Claim is based upon: (a) the other Party’s combination of any Materials with any products, services, hardware, software, data or other materials other than those expressly specified in the applicable SOW or Insertion Order; (b) the use of the Materials other than in accordance with this Agreement and any applicable SOW or Insertion Order; (c) any patent infringement arising out of any Deliverables provided by AI including, without limitation, any Marketing Creative; and/or (d) any patent infringement related to patents owned by a non-practicing entity (as commonly understood in the industry). In the event that an injunction is obtained against a Party’s use of the Materials hereunder by reason of infringement or an Infringement Claim is sustained in a final judgment, or in the event a Party reasonably believes that use of its Materials may be found to infringe or constitute a misappropriation or be enjoined, then the indemnifying Party shall, at its option and expense: (i) procure for the indemnified Party the right to continue using the Materials; (ii) replace or modify the Materials so that they become non-infringing (such modifications or replacement shall be functionally equivalent to the original and meet all applicable specifications set forth in the applicable SOW) and make any modifications to any deliverables, Services, AI Tools, or AI Data necessitated by such replacement or modification; or (iii) terminate the applicable SOW or Insertion Order by providing written notice to the other Party. If AI terminates a SOW or Insertion Order pursuant to the foregoing clause, AI shall refund any prepaid amounts not yet earned under the applicable SOW or Insertion Order.
    2. General Indemnity Client shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless ActivImpact, its affiliates, and its and their employees, principals (shareholders or holders of an ownership interest, as the case may be), and agents from and against any Claims arising out of or resulting from: (a) bodily injury or death of any person or damage to real and tangible personal property directly caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Client, its personnel or agents during the course of performing the Services; (b) any third party claims or suits resulting from Client’s breach of its obligations, representations and/or warranties set forth in this MSA and/or a SOW and/or an Insertion Order (except for third party Infringement Claims, which are covered in Section 12(a) above); (c) use of the Services or any output of the Services other than as expressly authorized herein, in a SOW, or in an Insertion Order; (d) any instructions from Client (or any affiliate, vendor or contractor of Client) to AI regarding any Services; (e) any use by Client of any Materials produced by AI that are proposed but which AI does not take beyond the “concept stage”, (f) any allegation that the Services, as performed on behalf of Client or used by Client, violate any Applicable Laws and/or any privacy policies or practices of Client (including, without limitation, any allegation that Tracking Technologies on any website and/or mobile application owned, operated, or controlled by Client or any affiliate, vendor or contractor of Client, violate any Applicable Laws and/or any privacy policies or practices of Client).
    3. Procedures The Party seeking indemnification under this Section 12 shall promptly notify the other in writing of a Claim and provide reasonable cooperation (at the indemnifying Party’s expense) and grant the indemnifying Party the sole and full authority to defend the Claim; provided, however, the indemnified Party may participate in the defense of such Claim at its expense. The indemnifying Party shall have no obligation to indemnify the indemnified Party under any settlement made without the indemnifying Party’s written consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld). The indemnifying Party shall not settle any claim or suit under this Section 12 on the indemnified Party’s behalf without first obtaining the indemnified Party’s written permission (which shall not be unreasonably withheld). Each Party shall promptly communicate to the other any offer received by or proposed to be made in settlement of any claim or suit that is subject to indemnification under this Section 12, and each Party shall promptly and reasonably consider any such settlement offer or proposal that the other Party desires to accept or make.
  13. Term and Termination
    1. Term of MSA This MSA will be effective on the Effective Date, and will remain effective until terminated in accordance with this Section 13(a). This MSA may shall terminate at any time where there is then no SOW or Insertion Order in effect between the Parties, and there has been no SOW or Insertion Order in effect for the preceding one hundred eighty (180) days.
    2. Termination of SOWs or Insertion Orders In the event a Party breaches any of the material provisions contained in this MSA, any SOW, and/or any Insertion Order, the non-breaching Party may terminate any applicable SOW or Insertion Order or all of this MSA, any SOWs and any Insertion Orders by providing thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the breaching Party, which notice will set forth a description of the breach. If the breach is cured within the above-mentioned thirty (30)-day period, the applicable termination notice shall be deemed null and of no effect, and this MSA and any SOWs and/or Insertion Orders shall continue pursuant to their terms. In the event that: (i) a Party ceases conducting business in the normal course; (ii) a Party becomes insolvent; (iii) a Party admits in writing its inability to meet its debts generally as they become due; (iv) a Party makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; (v) a Party suffers or permits the appointment of a receiver, trustee, liquidator, or conservator for its business or assets; (vi) a Party avails itself of, or becomes subject to, any proceeding under the Federal Bankruptcy Act or any other statute of any state relating to insolvency or the protection of rights of creditors; or (vii) proceedings are commenced for the dissolution, winding-up, or liquidation of a Party, then, at the option of the other Party, all applicable SOWs and Insertion Orders will terminate immediately.

      Any other right to terminate a SOW or Insertion Order prior to the expiration of its term may be addressed only in the applicable SOW or Insertion Order.
    3. Effect of Termination In the event of a termination of a SOW or an Insertion Order: (a) Client will pay AI the full amount of the final AI invoice under such SOW or Insertion Order within 15 days after receipt (payment of this final invoice will not bar any remedy, legal or equitable, otherwise available to ActivImpact); and (b) Client will direct AI in writing as to the date (to be at least thirty (30) days but no longer than ninety (90) days after such termination), upon which AI may delete all Client Data maintained in any AI Tools system hosted or controlled by ActivImpact. In addition, within thirty (30) days after such termination each Party will delete all other Confidential Information of the other Party, provided that the Receiving Party may retain, but not use, archived versions of such Confidential Information as required by Receiving Party’s data and document retention policies; and (c) all obligations of the Parties hereunder will cease, except such obligations that survive termination hereunder pursuant to Section 14.
  14. Survival Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this MSA or otherwise, the following provisions shall survive any expiration or termination of this MSA: Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20
  15. Notices Any notices required or permitted pursuant to this MSA shall be in writing and deemed to have been sufficiently given or served for all purposes when presented personally or sent by overnight courier or registered mail to the signatories herein at their respective addresses set forth in the then-most recent SOW between the Parties. Notices for AI shall also be sent to: Attn: General Counsel, 6543 S. Las Vegas Blvd., 2nd Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89119, with a copy to Notices for Client shall be sent to the address specified in a SOW or Insertion Order.
  16. Force Majeure Neither Party shall be liable to the other in connection with any failure or delay in performance of this MSA if such failure or delay arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault of such Party (a “Force Majeure Event”). Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, the disabled Party will promptly and in writing advise the other Party if it is unable to perform due to such Force Majeure Event, the expected duration of such inability to perform, and of any developments (or changes therein) that appear likely to affect the ability of the disabled Party to perform any of its obligations in whole or in part. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall any payment obligation of Client be delayed or excused as a result of this Section 16.
  17. Subcontractors AI shall have the right to utilize subcontractors and/or vendors to fulfill its obligations in this MSA, a SOW, and/or a Insertion Order, provided that AI shall remain fully liable for its performance of its obligations. Client shall be solely responsible for, and AI shall not be obligated to enter into any contractual relationship with, a subcontractor or other third-party provider at the direction of Client or any of Client’s customers. Client will be solely responsible for all contractual relationships with its actual or potential customers, retailers and/or its retailer-mandated service providers. If Client’s third-party provider fails to perform, Client should look solely to the third party, not ActivImpact, unless ActivImpact’s negligence is solely responsible for the failure.
  18. Modifications to MSA and Services Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this MSA, any SOW, any Insertion Order, or otherwise, AI shall have the right to modify this MSA form with or without notice to any Client. Any SOW or Insertion Order between Client and ActivImpact, whether executed before or after any modifications to this MSA form, shall be deemed subject to this MSA form, as amended. Moreover, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this MSA, any SOW, any Insertion Order, or otherwise, AI shall have the right, with or without notice to any Client, to reasonably modify any Services. Such reasonable modifications may include, without limitation: (a) modifications to improve the efficiency of the Services; (b) modifications to cause the Services to be compliant with Applicable Laws; and/or (c) modifications to improve the utility of the Services to any client.
  19. Non-Interference with Employees Client acknowledges that ActivImpact’s continuing relationship with its employees is an essential part of its business. Accordingly, for the duration of this Agreement, plus twelve (12) months thereafter, unless it has received ActivImpact’s prior written consent, Client agrees not to solicit for employment or to hire, or to enter into any consultancy or similar agreement with any person who was an employee of AI during the term of this Agreement.
  20. Miscellaneous The section headings to this MSA do not form a part of it and will not affect or limit the meaning of the sections. Client will, if asked by ActivImpact, reasonably consider participating in a written press release with AI regarding the Services provided to be provided by ActivImpact. No waiver by either Party of any default hereunder by the other will operate as a waiver of any other default or of a similar default on a future occasion. No waiver of any term or condition hereof by either Party will be effective unless the same is in writing and signed by both Parties. In the event that any provision of this MSA (other than a provision which goes to the essence of the consideration for this MSA) is declared invalid, unenforceable, or void, to any extent, by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed deleted from this MSA and the remainder of this MSA and the application thereof will not be affected thereby, but rather will be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by Applicable Laws. AI is an independent contractor of Client, and nothing herein will be construed as creating a joint venture, partnership, or similar relationship between AI and Client. This MSA is governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada, without application of its choice of law provisions. All disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement will be brought, heard, and determined exclusively in the Federal District Court in the Southern District of Nevada or any state court of competent jurisdiction within Clark County, NV. Both Parties consent to personal and subject matter jurisdiction and venue in such courts and waive and relinquish any right to assert that any action instituted by the other in any such court is in the improper venue or should be transferred to a more convenient forum. The Parties acknowledge that all orders issued by the forum court, including injunctions and other decrees will be binding and enforceable in all jurisdictions and countries. Except as provided in Section 18 above, this MSA may not be modified except as mutually agreed to in writing, signed by an authorized representative of each Party. This MSA, together with any SOWs and Insertion Orders, supersedes all prior agreements, communications, representations, and understandings, either oral or written, between AI and Client with respect to the subject matter contained herein. All terms and conditions on any Client-issued purchase order, order acknowledgment, or other document in connection with this MSA will be deemed deleted and of no force or effect. Either Party shall have the right to assign all rights and liabilities hereunder without the other Party’s consent to any person or entity that (a) acquires all or substantially all of its operating assets, or (b) results from a merger or reorganization pursuant to any plan of merger or reorganization, provided however, that any such assignment will give the non-assigning Party a right to terminate this MSA upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice should the assigning Party make such assignment to a competitor of the non-assigning Party. Further, AI may assign this MSA to an affiliate without the consent of Client. Any other assignments by either Party, in whole or part, shall require the prior written consent of the other Party, without which such assignments are null and void. This MSA is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

Exhibit A

Enrichment Data Terms

The following terms shall apply if and to the extent that Client utilizes Enrichment Data in connection with any Services:

  1. If and to the extent that Client has any access or use rights with respect to any Enrichment Data, such rights shall be subject to any license agreement between AI and the third party from whom such Enrichment Data is licensed (“License Agreement”). Client agrees that in no event shall Client breach and/or cause any breach of any License Agreement.
  2. Client shall have access to, and Client may only use, the Enrichment Data to the extent and for the purposes expressly provided for in a SOW and/or Insertion Order. Client shall not otherwise use, nor allow any use of or access to, the Enrichment Data.
  3. Client warrants, covenants and otherwise represents to AI that the Enrichment Data shall be used only in accordance with all Applicable Laws, as well as relevant self-regulatory guidelines and principles, regulations, as well as relevant self-regulatory guidelines and principles, including without limitation the Association of National Advertisers guidelines and the principles promulgated by the Digital Advertising Alliance (as applicable). All solicitation/ad copy prepared in connection with the Enrichment Data shall be devoid of any references to selection criteria or presumed knowledge concerning the intended recipient of such solicitation derived from the Enrichment Data.
  4. Client understands, acknowledges and agrees that: (a) the third-party licensor or owner of the Enrichment Data has the right to make changes to the content, structure, and/or form of the Enrichment Data, including, without limitation, changes to the attributes included within the Enrichment Data; and (b) should the applicable License Agreement expire or be terminated for any reason, then AI shall have the right to terminate any applicable portion of any Services without any liability to Client.
  5. Any licensor of Enrichment Data may, at any time, impose restrictions on the use of the License Data: (a) to the extent they are imposed upon the licensor by third parties; or (b) to properly manage the integrity of the Enrichment Data and/or its use in light of issues concerning privacy, confidentiality, and other issues to which consumers may be sensitive. Any use by Client permitted in any SOW and/or Insertion Order shall be subject to compliance with any such restrictions.
  6. Client warrants, covenants, and otherwise represents to AI that the Enrichment Data will not be used in connection with: (a) any individual reference service application, skip tracing, electronic directory assistance or other e-data look-ups, verification of the accuracy of a record (unless expressly permitted in a SOW or an Insertion Order); (b) employment or a review of employee records, including without limitation for evaluating an individual for employment or for promotions, reassignment, or retention as an employee; (c) a determination of an individual’s eligibility for a license or other benefit granted by a governmental instrumentality; or (d) any other type of review, analysis, or assessment of an individual record in connection with credit granting, credit monitoring, account review, collection, or insurance underwriting, or for any other purpose covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (“FCRA”)), Federal Trade Commission or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau interpretations of the FCRA, and similar federal and state statutes.
  7. Client may not modify, further develop, or create any derivative products from any Enrichment Data. No Enrichment Data may be decompiled, decoded, or reverse engineered.
  8. In no event shall Client acquire any rights, title, and/or interest in and to the Enrichment Data excepting only those license or usage rights as may be expressly granted to Client in a SOW or Insertion Order (and then any such license or usage rights shall remain subject to the terms of the applicable License Agreement).